Our Lighting Innovations Truly Tested Technology
Truly Tested Technology
RET offers proven technology. We promise to provide guaranteed solutions for your lighting projects. Should you have a request that is unique, RET’s engineering and design team will work with you to customize a solution that will cost-effectively conform to your aesthetic needs.
Superior Performance In Extreme Temperatures
RET offers proven technology. We promise to provide guaranteed solutions for your lighting projects. Should you have a request that is unique, RET’s engineering and design team will work with you to customize a solution that will cost-effectively conform to your aesthetic needs.
Solar Lighting As A Service (Slaas℠)
20 Year Program As the founders of the SLaaS℠ program in the United States RET is offering a cost effective environmentally sensible alternative way to light your projects
Smart City Connectivity
Advanced communications and sensor monitoring features are integral to today’s forward thinking Smart City planners. For instance, air quality is just one of a host of functions that can be monitored by our systems.
Direct Purchase
If you prefer a direct purchase for your lighting project, we provide the same design, engineering and photometric services that pertain to SLaaS℠. Please contact us and we can help you to better understand our lighting offerings and find the solution that is perfect for you.
Year-round Anti Blackout
Our lights are no blackout guaranteed, meaning all our lighting products will remain on all night and at full power, allowing them to meet utility and Department of Transportation guidelines. If requested for inner subdivisions and selected locations, RET lights can dim on schedule using our unique Flex Power Management systems. These solutions are perfect for amenity centers, playgrounds, tennis courts and more.
Cloud Based Smart Monitoring
We use LoRa low data rate wireless technology for: Remote monitoring, Light health diagnostics, Geolocation, Real-time remote management and control for individual lights, Long-range connectivity (9 miles/15 kilometres and further), As well as the ability to switch the lights on and off. Our web based app lets you monitor and troubleshoot your network of individually geolocated streetlights to ensure perfectly controlled, uninterrupted lighting all year long.